{We recommend}
Below are a list of Wedding venue and suppliers that we have worked with and would highly recommend.
We work closely with Pendrell Hall and The Mill Barns and are proud recommended Dream Team Supplier to both venues.
Many of the other suppliers listed are also recommended suppliers who we have worked closely with on many occasions - We really are a Dream Team!

Pendrell Hall Exclusive Country House Wedding Venue with Accommodation Staffordshire
Website: http://www.pendrellhall-venue.co.uk
The Mill Barns Exclusive Use Waterfront Barn Wedding Venue
Website: https://themillbarns-venue.co.uk
The Ashes Exclusive Country House Barn Wedding Venue Staffordshire
Website: http://www.theashes-venue.co.uk
Foxtail Barns Wedding Venue
Website: https://foxtailbarns-venue.co.uk/

Stott Weddings - Wedding Photography
Website: https://www.stottweddings.com/
Cris Lowis Photography
Website: www.lowisphotography.co.uk
Samantha Jane Photography
Website: https://www.samantha-j.co.uk/
Brett James Photography
Website: www.brettjamesphotography.co.uk

The Flower Shop - Codsall
Website: www.theflowershoponline.co.uk
Wild Orchid Florists
Website: www.wildorchidflorists.co.uk
Richards Floral Design
Website: richardsfloraldesign.com
Jam Jar Wedding and Events
Website: jamjarweddingsandevents.co.uk
The Rustic Wedding Company
Website: therusticweddingcompany.com
Christian Fletcher Magician
Website: www.fletcher-magic.com/
Wedding Sounds - DJ
Royal Casino Promotions - Casino and Photo Booth
Website: www.royale-casino.co.uk/
Ashmore Acoustic Live Music
Website: http://ashmorebrothersband.co.uk/